A DataDive is an all-weekend event with lots of people, computers, and coffee.
Non-profits bring their data and their problems or questions, data scientists bring the expertise to answer the questions and solve the problems. It could be anything really, it just depends on what the non-profits need. Check the 2012 NGO's page to learn about who we are helping out this year.
Friday we will hear from the non-profits about what they want and need. Afterward we will provide some snacks and let everybody mingle and begin to form teams. Saturday is an all day work fest, as well as a variety of workshops. There's no real work schedule for this, we're just going to let the magic happen! Sunday afternoon we all come back together to share what we've learned and accomplished.
How will the work actually happen?
Each non-profit is designated with a Data Ambassador. Data Ambassadors act as a liaison between the Data Divers and the non-profits, and ensure that progress is being made. If you have questions about what to do next or want some help or advice, the Data Ambassador's are your first point-of-contact. Data Divers are welcome to stick on one project all weekend or to bounce around. They're also welcome to take breaks, attend the workshops, and have fun!
We're here to provide the space, food, and enthusiasm. You bring your own skills and laptops! Read about what happened at two other past DataDives in New York and San Francisco.
But what if I'm not that great with Data?
Don't worry if you don't have wizard-level data skills. Even if you want to just peep over someone's shoulder, you're welcome to register and attend! You don't have to attend the entire weekend, either. If you just want to come to a workshop or two and leave, that's fine.
Listen to Jake from Data Without Borders tell of their vision:
If you want to learn about different data analysis tools, come to one our workshops on Saturday 11 February! All of our workshops are on open source tools, so you don't need to buy any software to come and learn! You don't have to attend the entire weekend to come to a workshop, either, but we ask that you still register.